Monday, January 17, 2011

Hero This Week: Caroline Carter!

Hero This Week: Caroline Carter!
Chosen By: Anonymous

I love Alpha Delta Pi. I love Adpi because of the opportunities it has given me and the experiences I have had. Most of all, I love Adpi because of the friends it has given me, Friends like Caroline Carter. Caroline is the life of the party. She is always happy and is always willing to try something new and have a good time. She is sincere and optimistic about everything. She is beautiful inside and out, and has changed me & changed me for the better. She has encouraged me, she has called me out when I need it, and she has picked me up and put me back together again when I couldn't help myself. She is going to do great things, I am certain of this. She is an unselfish friend and she truly knows how to live by the words: "The only way to have a friend, is to be one." A good Adpi is unselfish, kind, fun-loving, and beautiful inside and out. A good friend is all of these things and Caroline has them all.

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