Monday, January 17, 2011

Hero This Week: Alex Wood!

Hero This Week: Alex Wood
Chosen By: Amanda Heim

Alex is my diamond sister & I couldn't imagine my life without her in it. She is absolutely the most loving and caring person I know. She will drop anything and everything for those she loves. I know if I ever need advice or I'm upset about something-I can always call Alex. She didn't know me at all when were assigned Big & Little but she took me under her wing and treated me like her sister from the start. Alex contributes so much to Alpha Delta Pi. She is a sister who listens, cares, and understands. She also holds an office. I strive every day to be Alex. She is truly the epitome of an Alpha Delta Pi. She is strong in her faith and always turns to God or prayer in times of trouble. She also looks for the best in people. This is something I admire I wish I could do. If everyone were to be Alex, the world would truly be a better place. I am so glad Alex is an Adpi and I am so proud to call her my big sister. She's not just my diamond sister, she's my best friend, companion, & future cat lady.

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