Monday, January 17, 2011

Hero This Week: Aarika Hutton!

Hero This Week: Aarika Hutton!
Chosen By: Anonymous
Aarika has been the perfect example of what an Adpi should be. She does it all. She's involved on campus, she's super active in Adpi as our president, and she gives back to the community. With all of this, she still makes time for her sisters. Aarika always has a smile on her face. She has such a kind spirit and is nice to everyone she comes into contact with. Not once does she ask for recognition for all that she does for this chapter and for this campus. She does it all because she loves Adpi & WKU. This is my way of saying thank you for all that you do. Thank you for being a role model. Thank you for being kind, even when no one is looking. And thank you for being one of the best sisters I could ever ask for. You mean more to me than you know. Pi Love You with all I have!

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