Monday, February 13, 2012

Hero This Week: Jenna Berthelot

Hero this week: Jenna Berthelot
Sophomore, Pledge Class 2010

I would like to nominate Jenna Berthelot for Hero of the week. Her massive amounts of love, guidance, and selflessness are traits that I admire and try to pass on daily. She is my shoulder to cry on, my audience for stories, my accountability partner, my ride home on most weekends, and my best friend. I admire her passion to constantly better herself, even though she's great exactly as she is! Any sister that has not had the privilege of spending an afternoon alone with Jenna is missing out. She is so much stronger than she gives herself credit for and has blessed my life in countless ways. I look forward to our quest to find something more in life; To enrich our lives with God's love and constantly strive to be the best versions of ourselves. Jenna, always remember, "God's plans for your life far exceed the circumstances of your day."

Submitted by: Sydney Lutsch
Sophomore, Pledge Class 2010

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