Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Hero This Week: Heidi Smith

Hero this week: Heidi Smith
Junior, Pledge Class 2009

I would like to nominate Heidi Smith for hero of the week.  Heidi is an outstanding example of what an ADPi girl should be and stands for.  I can honestly say I have never met a stronger, more driven, self-confident women as herself. I admire Heidi for everything she stands for and how she shines each and every day. She is such a great role model and I look up to her more than she will ever realize.  I joined Alpha Delta Pi in search for a truly meaningful sisterhood, to create bonds and memories that would last a lifetime.  After meeting Heidi, I found exactly what I was looking for. She is my rock. I know she will always be there through both the good and the bad helping me to become a better person. I am beyond honored and blessed to of grown so close to  such an amazing sister. You truly are beautiful inside and out.  

Nominated by: Jenna Rousey
Freshman, Pledge Class 2011

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