Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hero This Week: Molly McNamara!

Hero This Week: Molly McNamara Sophomore pledge class of 2010

If you haven't had the chance to form a bond with this sister then you are seriously missing out! Not only is she an amazing ADPi by always putting forth 100% effort, having a warm smile and loving attitude towards all of her sisters she is an amazing woman. She is everything an ADPi should be: beautiful inside and out, loving, caring, nurturing, funny, outgoing, and most importantly SELFLESS. I am honored to call her my my sister and roommate but more importantly my best friend. Thank you for always being there for me whether by letting me be OCD and organize our room or watching The Real Houswives. I love you with all of my heart Molls. Merrrrr :):)
Mary-Ava Poole Sophomore pledge class 2010

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